
Majorelle Garden

The Majorelle Garden covers an area of ​​approximately 1 hectare. Every year, more than 600,000 visitors come there. It is located in the heart of Marrakech, in the Guéliz district.

This garden is ranked second most beautiful in the world in 2022. This is according to the HouseFresh website. It is much more than just a park. It is a magnificent spectacle of colors and plants.

A visit to the Majorelle Gardens is magical. We discover vibrant colors and a unique botanical richness . This place is ideal for those who love nature and art. There are around 300 species of plants. There are even cacti, palm trees and banana trees.

majorelle garden

Jacques Majorelle, un peintre français, a créé ce jardin. Puis, en 1980, Yves Saint Laurent l’a restauré. L’endroit est un mélange d’architecture mauresque et Art déco. Il est surtout connu pour la couleur bleue Majorelle.

This garden is a little gem. Every year, thousands of people come to admire it.

History of the Majorelle Garden

En 1931, le peintre français Jacques Majorelle a créé un endroit unique. Le *Jardin Majorelle* est une fusion parfaite de l’art et la nature. Il a pris son inspiration des oasis de Marrakech et des jardins islamiques et hispano-mauresques. Le jardin se distingue par son bleu outremer, une teinte spéciale créée par Majorelle lui-même. Les visiteurs restent captivés par la beauté de ses couleurs et sa variété de plantes.

The origins and creation by Jacques Majorelle

Après s’être installé à Marrakech, Jacques Majorelle a travaillé plusieurs années sur son jardin. En 1947, il a ouvert ce lieu au public. Il offrait un espace calme au milieu de la ville. Majorelle a imaginé cet endroit comme une oasis, témoignant d’histoires venues de terres lointaines à travers chaque allée et plante.

The acquisition by Yves Saint Laurent and Pierre Bergé

In 1980, Yves Saint Laurent and Pierre Bergé purchased the Jardin Majorelle. They saved it from abandonment and carefully restored it. Their newly merged artistic sensibility transformed this garden into a magical place. They added rare species , thus improving its beauty. Now it is a place visited by more than *600,000 visitors* every year.

Botanical Collections

The Majorelle Garden hides a treasure: exotic and rare plants . It offers a spectacular botanical view. For a very long time, plants from all over the world have been carefully cared for there.

Exotic plants and rare species

It spans 8,000 m², home to 300 unique species from around the world. Jacques Majorelle collected them during his travels. So, he created a beautiful place to see rare plants, such as aloes and banana trees, vibrant in color.

Collection of cacti, palm trees and bamboo

The Majorelle cactus is particularly remarkable. It is accompanied by majestic palm trees and elegant bamboos . These plants provide a very exotic atmosphere. Thanks to restorations since 1980 by Pierre Bergé and Yves Saint Laurent, the garden continues to become more beautiful.

The Ambiances of the Garden

The Majorelle Garden in Marrakech is a true oasis . Every step you take leaves you in awe. It has many parts, each with its own colors and calm. You can see tropical gardens, dry gardens and amazing Islamic and botanical places.

There is a large pond in the garden. It is surrounded by fountains that sing softly. Paths wind between the plants, inviting you to explore. At every turn, you’ll discover new beauty, with architecture blending seamlessly into nature.

As you walk through this 9,000 m² garden, you will see magnificent scenes. Ceramics and fountains of light spring up everywhere. It’s as if the sun turns every corner into a moving work of art. This garden will transport you into a waking dream, playing with light and shadow.

Majorelle Blue

Majorelle blue is a special color. She has decorated the walls of the Jardin Majorelle since 1937. A French painter, Jacques Majorelle, imagined it. Today, this luminous shade is a signature of the garden.

It is composed of 37.6% red, 31.4% green and 86.3% blue. The Majorelle blue color is very saturated and light. This creates a bright shade for the garden buildings.

Majorelle blue color

The creation and importance of this unique color

Jacques Majorelle invented it for his garden. He wanted it to stand out. Since 1947, his garden has attracted people from all over the world. They are fascinated by this almost magical blue.

This blue symbolizes Majorelle’s passion for Marrakech. In 1919 he settled there. His unique workshop was painted in this color.

The influence on garden design and architecture

Majorelle blue is not just a color. It is an essential part of the soul of the garden. In 1980, Yves Saint Laurent loved it so much that he bought the garden. With Pierre Bergé, they kept it as it is, including bright blue.

This blue brings the garden to life. It goes perfectly with plants. Visitors discover a unique beauty thanks to this blue, present everywhere.

Practical Information for Visiting the Majorelle Garden

To properly visit the Majorelle Garden, know the Majorelle garden opening hours . It is open from 8 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. every day. Better to arrive early to avoid the crowds. But be careful, you can no longer enter after 5:30 p.m.

Schedules and access

Le jardin se trouve à Guéliz à Marrakech, assez loin de la Médina. Marcher depuis la place Jemaa el-Fna prend environ 30 minutes. Il y a des bus à proximité, mais un taxi reste plus pratique même s’il coûte plus cher. Le jardin et le Musée Pierre Bergé des Arts Berbères sont ouverts de 9h à 17h30, vous offrant ainsi une bonne plage horaire pour visiter.

Tip for buying tickets

Privilégiez les billets jardin Majorelle en ligne pour un meilleur accès Majorelle. Ce choix évitera l’attente. Un billet coupe-file coûte environ 21 € pour le Jardin. Pour voir aussi le musée berbère et celui Yves Saint Laurent, un ticket combiné est à 47 €. Si vous êtes marocain ou résident, cela revient moins cher : 20 dirhams pour un seul lieu, et 40 dirhams pour les deux. L’entrée est libre pour les enfants de 8 ans ou moins.

Thanks to this information, your visit will be optimal. You will be able to fully appreciate this exceptional place in the heart of Marrakech.

The Berber Museum

Situé dans l’ancien atelier de peinture de Jacques Majorelle, le Musée Berbère Majorelle est une plongée dans la culture berbère. Il a ouvert ses portes en 2011. Depuis, plus de deux millions de personnes y sont venues. Toutes attirées par sa splendide collection d’art.

Majorelle Berber Museum

Objects and collections on display

The museum exhibits around 600 traditional Berber objects. These treasures come from different regions, from the Rif to the Sahara. We discover the Berber world in four galleries.

Through the adornments and pageantry, each piece seems to tell a story. These objects celebrate the art and life of the Berbers.

History and cultural significance

The museum goes beyond showing objects. It meets tradition and modernity. We see the link between Berber culture and the world of fashion.

Thanks to materials in French, English and Arabic, it is open to all. Visiting this place helps to understand the Berber influence on today’s art and fashion.

The Tourist and Cultural Impact

Le Jardin Majorelle, reconnu partout dans le monde, est vital pour le tourisme au Maroc. Il reçoit plus de 600 000 visiteurs par an grâce à son riche passé et sa culture préservée. Cela en fait un point clé pour le tourisme régional.

Opened in 1947 by Jacques Majorelle, this garden is today an unmissable site for nature and art enthusiasts. On one hectare, there are more than 300 species of plants. It is a magnificent place where nature and art combine perfectly.

Depuis 2001, l’Association Jardin Majorelle protège ce trésor naturel et culturel. Elle aide à garder les jardins en bon état. Et elle fait découvrir la culture marocaine à des millions de visiteurs du monde entier.

Le Musée Berbère, ouvert par le roi du Maroc, expose plus de 600 pièces rares. Ces objets mettent en valeur la créativité des Berbères. Ainsi, le musée renforce l’importance culturelle du Jardin Majorelle.

The museum’s exhibits show a key aspect of world heritage . They also celebrate the artistic heritage of this exceptional place.

In summary, the Majorelle Garden has more to offer than its beauty. It is a unique place where Moroccan culture and artistic modernity meet. Visitors have a memorable experience there.

Why visit the Majorelle garden?

The Majorelle Garden offers a unique adventure in Marrakech. Created in 1929, it is a place of calm in the bustling city. It was ranked the second most beautiful garden in the world in 2022. Every year, it attracts more than 600,000 visitors.

This garden is full of life, with around 300 different types of plants. There are magnificent cacti, banana trees and palm trees . It is a great place to admire nature.

Il compte aussi le Musée Berbère, ouvert en 2008 par le roi du Maroc. Ce musée montre la culture riche des Berbères avec plus de 600 objets. Les photos partagées par les visiteurs montrent sa beauté, et tout le monde dit que le prix d’entrée est abordable.

To avoid hassle, buy your tickets online at least a day in advance. Access costs around 14 euros for everyone. The Majorelle Garden is a magical experience that combines nature and art to leave unforgettable memories.


What are the opening hours of the Majorelle Garden?

The garden is open every day. Hours change depending on the season. It’s best to check the times before you go.

What are the entry prices for the Majorelle Gardens in Marrakech?

Entrance fees vary for adults, students and children. To find out the price, look on the official website or buy them online.

Is there access for people with reduced mobility?

The garden offers special access for disabled people. This allows everyone to see its beauty.

What is the best way to buy tickets to the Jardin Majorelle?

Buying tickets online is best to avoid queues. This also makes the visit easier to plan.

What is the origin of the color Majorelle blue?

The Majorelle blue shade comes from Jacques Majorelle, a French painter. It is now a symbol of the garden, making its walls and decorations magnificent.

What can you see at the Berber Museum?

You can see a large collection of Berber objects there. This includes jewelry, textiles and everyday objects, showing the rich art of these people.

What is the historical importance of the Majorelle Garden?

Created by Jacques Majorelle and renovated by Yves Saint Laurent, the garden combines Moroccan tradition and modernity. It symbolizes the unique union of these worlds.

What type of plants can be found in the garden?

The garden has over 300 different plants. There are cacti, palm trees and bamboos . There are also unique exotic plants there.

Why visit the Majorelle Garden?

The Majorelle garden is a peaceful and magnificent place. It shows a wide variety of plants. We can see the impact of Jacques Majorelle and Yves Saint Laurent.

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