What to see

Paragliding in Oukaïmeden

Did you know that Oukaimeden is close to Marrakech, 74 kilometers away? It is the highest ski resort in Africa. It attracts paragliding fans with its superb views of the High Atlas.

Cette station ski Maroc comble les amateurs de frissons. Même si elle n’est pas ultra moderne, elle a ce qu’il faut pour du parapente passionnant. Les vols offrent des vues incroyables, rendant chaque expérience unique.

Introduction to Paragliding in Oukaïmeden

Le parapente Oukaïmeden est très attrayant pour beaucoup à Oukaimeden Marrakech. Il offre des moments inoubliables grâce au temps parfait du Maroc. Cela comprend des ciels sans nuages et des vents qui aident à voler.

Le vol libre Maroc est ouvert à tous, que vous soyez un expert ou débutant. Imaginez-vous voler et voir les belles montagnes de l’Atlas. C’est une aventure aérienne que vous n’oublierez pas. Surtout pour les chanceux qui peuvent participer au vol libre Maroc.

Learning to fly is easy and inexpensive. For example, training as a Mountain Hiking INITIATOR only costs one euro with 12 places available. But there are only 2 places left. This shows that it is easy and fun to learn to fly paraglider Oukaïmeden .

Il est important de se former pour voler en sécurité. Les cours comme INITIATEUR Alpinisme vous aident. Et pour ceux qui aiment l’escalade, il y a des initiations à seulement 50 euros. Ces formations garantissent une expérience sans risque à Oukaimeden Marrakech.

Flight Conditions and Locations in Oukaïmeden

Oukaïmeden is in the heart of the High Atlas. It is perfect for paragliding enthusiasts. At 3200 meters above sea level, between sky and earth, the flights here are unforgettable.


Ideal weather conditions

The weather is very important for paragliding. In Oukaïmeden, there are perfect winds for flying. The landscapes are breathtaking.

Pilots can feel safe thanks to these conditions. Paragliding safety is provided by Kymaya. They offer a free flight framework that takes everything into account.

Security and Supervision

You have to feel safe to enjoy it. In Oukaïmeden, Kymaya is keeping an eye on things. Their supervision is safe and adapted to each person.

Nearby Sites

Près d’Oukaïmeden se trouve Aguergour parapente. C’est un endroit avec des vents variés, parfait pour voler. Ce site permet aussi de découvrir le mode de vie berbère.

Le Maroc regorge de sites de vol fascinants. C’est un vrai paradis pour les amateurs de parapente. Chaque site propose une expérience unique.


Oukaïmeden est célèbre pour être la plus haute station de ski en Afrique. C’est aussi un endroit parfait pour ceux qui aiment le parapente. Elle se trouve à 75 km au sud de Marrakech. Là, on peut admirer le Haut Atlas depuis un point entre 2600 et 3600 mètres d’altitude. C’est le lieu parfait pour une expérience incroyable de parapente à Oukaïmeden.

Les vents et les thermiques sont parfaits pour voler. Qu’on soit débutant ou expert, Oukaïmeden offre la sécurité de voler avec des instructeurs qualifiés. Les alentours comme Aguergour sont aussi excellents pour le parapente. Ce site permet de vivre une aventure inoubliable à Marrakech.

Oukaïmeden is unique because it shows how old and new come together. There is a large space called agdal, important for the people of the region. This shows how traditional cultures and new works can coexist. Even in the face of new challenges, such as competition with fruit crops, they have preserved their traditions.

Ultimately, Oukaïmeden is more than a ski resort or a place for paragliding. It’s an exceptional place with incredible views, perfect for flying. Its history and traditions make each flight an unforgettable experience in Marrakech.


Where is Oukaïmeden located?

Oukaïmeden is in the High Atlas, near Marrakech, Morocco. It is the highest ski resort in Africa.

What is paragliding in Oukaïmeden?

It is an activity to fly over the mountains. We enjoy the High Atlas mountains and the good weather.

Are the weather conditions favorable for paragliding in Oukaïmeden?

Yes, they are perfect. There are regular thermals and winds coming from the East, South-East, and East-North-East.

Is paragliding in Oukaïmeden safe?

Safety is very important. Professionals provide training to ensure everyone flies safely.

Is paragliding in Oukaïmeden accessible to beginners?

Quite. It’s great for beginners and more advanced people. Everyone can fly in this incredible setting.

What other paragliding sites are close to Oukaïmeden?

Aguergour is a popular site near Marrakech. It has good conditions, with a height difference of 600 meters and several wind orientations.

Can you go skiing in Oukaïmeden?

Yes, you can ski in Oukaïmeden. It is the highest station in Africa. You can therefore ski and paraglide.

When is the best time to go paragliding in Oukaïmeden?

April to November is ideal. Weather conditions are stable and good during this period.

What accommodation is available near paragliding sites like Aguergour?

There are Gite Aylal and Gite Abdoul near Aguergour. It’s perfect for those who want more than a paragliding site, to discover the culture.

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