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Mint Tea: Benefits and Traditional Recipes.

Morocco loves Chinese green tea, especially mint tea. The English introduced it in the 19th century. This shows how important mint tea is to the local culture and the Maghreb in general. It symbolizes welcome and friendship. This popular drink blends green tea with nanah mint , providing a fresh and invigorating taste, a tradition that has endured for centuries.

The 9th century saw the first trade exchanges between Morocco and China for tea. But it was in the 18th century that the tradition of mint tea really took off. To prepare it, you need fresh mint , preferably of the nanah variety, loose green tea, water and sugar. The correct preparation method produces a little foam on top, a signature of its authenticity.

There are many ways to prepare traditional tea. You can vary the quantities of mint for example, or even add essential oil for more taste. And today, we even find iced or bubbled mint tea , which is very popular with people who prefer cold drinks.

For example, Habibtea is very popular for its support for digestion. Iced Tea Detox – Mint is a popular caffeine and sugar free option, ideal for those who love iced teas. Then there is After Partea which is perfect for detoxifying after rich meals or parties. These quality products, like those offered by Panda Tea, truly improve the taste and health experience of tea lovers.

Mint flavored tea

Origins and History of Mint Tea

Mint tea has its roots in 19th century Moroccan culture . The English introduced it during the Crimean War. This blend, composed of Gunpowder green tea and Nanah mint , quickly became loved for its refreshing and good for digestion qualities.

In the 18th century, green tea from China arrived in Morocco through trade with European merchants. Today, drinking mint tea is an act of hospitality extended to North and West Africa. This is partly thanks to the nomadic inhabitants, including the Tuaregs, for whom tea has great meaning.

To prepare a classic Moroccan mint tea , green tea is used, often gunpowder or Chun Mee green tea. Add fresh mint leaves and sugar, according to preference. The preparation method includes first rinsing the tea with boiling water. Then, we add the mint leaves and the sugar before letting it infuse, all this being done in small glasses.

This tea is served in three infusions, each one being sweeter to signal the end of the service. This tradition highlights the importance of social exchange and honors customs. The Palais des Thés offer a variety of Nanah mint green teas, which highlight the importance of this tradition.

Benefits of Mint Tea

Mint tea is a tasty and healthy drink. It can help soothe stomach aches and aid digestion. Green tea caffeine gives energy and improves concentration.

Tea antioxidants help protect the body and fight against aging. Adding mint to your tea makes it even more relaxing. This can relieve stress.

mint tea benefits

Taking too much green tea can reduce iron absorption. It is better to drink less if you are pregnant. But the caffeine- free version is very refreshing and reduces stress.

Mint tea is a light drink, with few calories, especially without sugar. In Morocco, a lot of sugar is added. But drinking it without sugar is good for your digestion.

Try ice mint or chocolate mint in your tea, it’s very refreshing. Brands like Habibtea and Iced Tea Detox – Mint are popular for their positive effects on digestion.

Green tea mixed with mint offers a lot of benefits. This improves mental health and strengthens immunity. Drinking this infusion regularly is good for digestion and for feeling good.


Mint tea isn’t just a drink. It is part of Moroccan and North African culture . It shows welcome and friendship. Taking a sip is tasting a unique blend of fresh mint and green tea.

It is a custom widespread throughout the Maghreb and beyond. Every place has its own way of preparing mint tea. We especially appreciate it after eating, with family or friends. It is also essential during holidays like Eid-ul-Fitr. This festival marks the end of a month of prayers and fasting.

The benefits of this tea are impressive. It calms stress, thanks to mint. It is also good for boosting immunity and helping in weight loss. You can drink it hot or cold, as you prefer.

Among others, Panda Tea highlights this tradition. They offer quality organic products. Drinking mint tea, thanks to them, brings cultures together. It is a tribute to the love of tea and Moroccan hospitality. Panda Tea even offers free delivery in France and Belgium for orders of €45 or more with Mondial Relay.


What is mint tea?

Mint tea, or nanah tea , comes from Morocco. We mix green tea, mint leaves and sugar. Its preparation follows a very specific ritual.

What are the benefits of mint tea?

This tea boosts digestion thanks to mint. It also gives energy with its caffeine. Its antioxidants protect the body and the heart.It strengthens immunity and reduces heart risks.

What is the origin of mint tea?

The 9th century saw the birth of this tea, thanks to China-Morocco trade. But it was in the 19th century that the English left their mark on its history.They introduced it to Morocco, making it a symbol of sharing.

How to traditionally prepare mint tea?

To prepare it, we use fresh mint, green tea like Gunpowder , water and sugar. Stir often to obtain a mixture rich in flavors.

What are the different types of mint tea?

There is traditional, iced tea and flavored versions. There are even sparkling teas to vary the pleasures.

Are there any side effects of consuming mint tea?

Mint tea can be problematic at high doses because of the caffeine. In some people, it can limit iron assimilation. It is therefore preferable to drink it in moderation.

Can you drink mint tea without caffeine?

Yes, you can make mint tea without theine . This is a good option for those looking to avoid theine . This retains the purifying and refreshing properties of mint.

What ingredients are needed for a traditional mint tea recipe?

You need fresh nanah mint, green tea, water and sugar. And of course, don’t miss the preparation method for a truly authentic taste.

What is the role of mint in mint tea?

Mint adds a unique freshness. It also helps with better digestion, is soothing and thirst-quenching.

What is the difference between mint green tea and other menthol teas?

Mint Green Tea is made with green tea and real mint. Other menthol teas often use black tea or artificial mint flavors.

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